Posted by: mossey | November 21, 2007


I am blessed. When people are actually in the office doing their day to day work, I am able to take some time to have lunch with a pretty lady friend and later sit in my fav coffee shop drinking my fav cup of joe. Thanks to my dedicated team and my leadership style (masuk bakul angkat sendiri), I am dispensable.

Anyway, that’s not the story here. The story is that there are so many ladies to ‘cuci mata’ at this coffee shop. There is this nice looking lady wearing white top and a male friend. She is very sweet indeed but….she smokes. Maybe the boyfriend don’t mind kissing as ashtray. Haha.

There is another lady that just passes by. She is hot but she might be thinking I am out of her league. Really? What league is this, Japanese Football League? Klang Football league? 😛

There are a couple of girls wearing jeans way to low and tight. Looks like a muffin – all the fat come out at the hips. (try to imagine la). Damn! she is wearing Iron Maiden snickers!!!! How ‘metal’ is that? Wow, she has iPaq as a phone. Her coolness factor just went up.

BTW, I am actually reviewing some documents for office. I am blessed to be able to do work while enjoying the view.

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