Posted by: mossey | December 21, 2007

Japanese Food

I like Japanese food generally. Some of my friends and colleagues loves Japanese food that I have grown to like them myself. There is a couple of problems with Japanese food.

For one, there are pricey. Depending which shop you go, it can range from RM20/person to RM100/person. Mind you, some of the portion can be quite small. This is normally the case if you go to the ‘high class’ Japanese food place.

The second issue I have with Japanese food is the name. I would normally order something from the pictured menu and when the waiter delivers it, I could not remember if I ordered it. Reason being, the picture looks different than the actual food and I don’t remember the name as I ordered based on the picture.

In summary, I will pay steep price for the food that I cannot pronounce and can’t remember ordering. Make sense to you?

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