Posted by: mossey | January 31, 2008


Since yesterday, I am known as “XXX million dollar” man (notice it is a 3 digit target savings). Why?. Well, my boss was presenting during the launch of BTP2 (Business Transformation Plan) and he tells this story that he has told many times.

The story is about me coming to see him on fine morning with the intention to reduce my target. So I went to his room and start to ‘nego’ on the target. First thing he said was “Have you read the news”. I said ‘No’. So he took the day’s newspaper and showed me what Idris said to press. Yup, my target was declared THE DAY BEFORE. Bugger!!

That was the story la. Anyway, during the townhall, he asked me to stand (alamak!, malu a bit). Sure enough, some people clap and some was not amused. So, in the toilet yesterday, 3 guys call me the XXX million dollar man. To pee also cannot!!


  1. today’s news even better, to achieve ahem profit. U are a very important man there my dear!

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