Posted by: mossey | March 27, 2008

Nose Job

These days, people do cosmetic surgery for esthetics’s reason. Pamela Anderson is famous for her boob job (a big one at that). Micheal Jackson is famous for his transformation from African American to a Caucasian (amazing!). I put Scooby under the ‘knife’ recently too. I gave her a nose job.

Original Scoop – Look at the nose, low and not so big

New scoop – her nose is high and big.

The nose job is part of her transformation to be better, faster and more powerful. The new nose allows her to reduce air intake temperature (which translate to better performance).

Unfortunately, like any transformation, something got to give. If Pamela Anderson complaints about her back due to the weight of her new breast, Scooby is having problem at high speed. Low nose allows her to cruise at high speed (above 220kph) with ease. With this new nose, it is hard for her to maintain speed at 220kph due to more air resistance. However, she can reach 220 faster (a bit la). So there is the trade off.

I have no issue.

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  1. two twenty = one forty mph.

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