Posted by: mossey | October 27, 2008

Fixing things

A man can be measured by how much $$ he makes or his position in a company or number of cars he has or how many mistress he keeps. There are many ways truly. I measure a man by how he uses his hands (in more ways then one *wink*)

This week, I fixed a kitchen plumbing in my house and fixed a car power-window problem. Maybe it is not a big deal for some but it makes me feel like a ‘manly’ man LOL. I bought parts from DIY store and go under the sink and start dismantling old pvc piping and install the new flexible pipes. No leaks….wohoo…. who’s the man now! πŸ™‚

I also opened up car door’s cover (for lack of better word) and start looking into the wiring problem. I managed to find the faulty parts and disabled it and fixed the cover back. Ok, the power window will not work until I got the right spare parts but at least the window can be closed now. Another manly man moment. kah kah kah.

Many of times, I would rather sip glorious coffee @ my fav kopi shop and outsourced the work to experts (like a certified plumber and mechanics). But, sometimes it felt very good to be able to do it by myself and ‘bath’ in the glory of it. πŸ™‚

Yes I know you have heard enough. So I will stop now.

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  1. cool… now I know where to get free labor πŸ˜€

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