Posted by: mossey | August 1, 2010


New buildings would have a back up power generator. Aircrafts have redundant computer as back up. We have back up kidney ( we only need one to live). I have many back ups 🙂

I have backups for car, mobile phones, computers, my computer datas, houses and then some. A friend was asking me why do I have such arrangements? My simple answer is convenience.

My blackberry went into the Sungkai river over the weekend. No problem, swap the sim into my iPhone and I am connected to the world.

My beebee ABS brakes failed. Send it to Ingress Auto to sort them out and I have Scooby for a few days. Convenient.

There is a price to pay for having a back-up for everything but you don’t need a back up for EVERYTHING You just need to prioritize and decide. Else, it will cost you dearly 🙂

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