Posted by: mossey | January 7, 2011


We are material beings. We collect knick knacks in our life. We put value to things even though its not that important – if you put everything under perspective. What the value of that old shirt that we still wear which should be thrown away. What’s the value of computer bags that we keep but never use. What’s the value of those magazines that we keep since 2004.

Being a material beings, we hoard. We began to realize we have much junk when we started to move to new house or relocate. All the stuff that’s been kept around or in the house are actually never being used. It’s being kept ‘just in case’

With the realization, I am going to donate more of my stuff to people who needs them the most. I am going to start giving instead of taking. We all should. World would be a better place. I am also going to donate non material things. Will write about this later

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