Posted by: mossey | June 17, 2012


my dad had anger management issue. he can go ballistics in nanoseconds.

i still remember an incident when i was young. we were not well off and stayed in a small community outskirt of KL. like any kid, i was fascinated with fire. one evening, i was playing with burning plastics. obviously dad was not too pleased with it. in his anger, he took the burning plastic and let it drips to my foot. i still have the scars

i suspect the gene went to me as well. today, i was pissed when a BMW M6 dangerously overtook me from the left. in my anger, i followed him and gave him a finger at a traffic light. my intention was to ‘tell’ him that he needs to learn more respect. my heart was pounding and i can feel my heartbeat at my spine. i was that pissed.

there and then, i realized that i need to manage my anger.

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