Posted by: mossey | November 12, 2017

Hey there

It has been almost a year since I updated this blog. I thought this blog is dead. Fortunately, it provides a psychological therapy when I write. When I need to think, I will write

Where do I start? Well, for a start, I have been documenting my thoughts for 10 years on this space. Yup, ten long years. During that time, many things had happened. It is kinda funny and heart warming reading back all the events that happened and documented here. I did not realised its some sort of diary for a decade of me.

Every once in awhile in our lives, we reached a junction where we need to decide to turn LEFT to RIGHT. No right answer in this journey, just consequences of our decision that we have to live with. My time has come to make that difficult decision again in my ripe old age.

On left, we have status quo minus an important being in my life. On right, new adventure begins while big sacrifices has to be made. Either way, it will impact many lives now and in the future. Is there a 3rd decision? Perhaps.

These decision tree is causing stress to my body to be honest. That’s life I guess. Can’t win them all. We all gonna die anyway.

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