Posted by: mossey | May 14, 2009

Not wired…..for this

I think men’s brain is not designed to understand women. When god created men, he probably ‘on purpose’ did not connect the wires that men require to stay at peace with women. We are clueless why women get upset. We are clueless on what makes them happy. We are clueless in knowing what women wants.

I believe that had God connected the wires in men’s brain (to understand women completely), there will be no war. There will be no famine. There will be a medicine to cancer. No kidding. LOL

Most wars are started because of ego. Ego to show off who is more powerful or who is more in control. Why? To have control over a territory. Why more control? Because we can have more things. Why more things? Because we can be rich? Why rich? cause we can afford everything we need? Why we need everything? So that we can allow our women the luxury to do anything she wants. Ok, so my logic might be a bit off. Didn’t I tell you that I am not wired to figure this out?


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