Posted by: mossey | May 19, 2009

What is the probability?

What is the probability of both of your favorite shirts not available for use because there are still in the laundry basket? What is the probability of both of your phones cannot get connection at the same time? What’s the probability of both of your cars are in workshops? You get where I am going?

Both of my cars are in workshops as we speak. The Gen2 is still being fixed from the accident. Scooby is getting new brakes so she needs to be in Ah Chai’s for a few days. In the mean time, I borrowed a car.

The car I borrowed is a unique one. It has no radio, no alarm, poor air-cond, bad wipers and no brakes! Seriously, the brakes are non-existence unless you pump it multiple times.  The it will bites LOL. Almost got into accident when i first drove it out the parking lot.

On Monday, I had to go to KLIA for a meeting. I almost fell asleep while driving due to hot weather, no music to keep me awake and the slow speed (car shakes at 115kph). Today, I went to Putrajaya to Ministry of Finance building and they have reserved a parking for me at the VIP parking spaces. I was not comfortable to put the car there. hahahaha.

Nonetheless, it serves me well. I am learning to drive it fast. I believe with a bit of TLC, it can be a good second or third car. I am just glad I do not need to take a taxi everywhere.proton2

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