Posted by: mossey | July 7, 2009

Visiting orphanage in Denkil

As part of my department’s internal activity, one of my staff arranged for a lunch visit to an orphanage in Denkil (near KLIA). We drove from Subang around 12:15pm and reached there just shy of 1:15pm.  (Obviously I was not driving) We took an Avanza that could fit 6. The rest of my team came  from KLIA. There were 20+ of us.

Prior to this lunch, my team ordered 200 Haji Samuri satay (yum yum), Nasi Ayam and few other stuff. After lunch, we gave RM2000 to the Principle (for the kids) as our contribution to running the home. I am surprise at the amount we collected as there are only 43 of us and most are not highly paid.

The interesting fact is that this shelter/home was set up by 3 young guys. They are between 25-28 years of age and they had the vision and energy to run this home. I have the utmost respect for them. All in all, they have 16 kids, 11 of whom are in primary school. (Standard 1 -5). They are very young as you can imagine.

Before we left, we gave them kids some gifts and a promise to come back in 3 months. The team is already planning to bring them to our Aircraft Hangar and show them around and inside a plane. We are also thinking to bring them up into the Flight Simulator (if we could) to experience the simulated flight. I truly hope that we can help them grow to be good people.

Coming back from the home, we searched for durian stalls by roadside and had Durian hi-tea. It was fun time for my team. We continue working after reaching office and that’s not as fun 🙂

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