Posted by: mossey | October 2, 2011


we all are born free. then we start to work and desire a big house, a big car, a nice handbag, a big tv, a fully equip kitchen etc. once we decide to acquire them, we owe people/bank money – unless we pay cash for the house (who does that?).

to pay off the expenses, we had to work. at work, we sometimes aim for promotion to get more money to buy bigger house, bigger car etc. in the end, the bank own us. and subsequently, the organization own our backside cause we need to work to pay the bank.

i suspect, most of us are not a ‘freeman’. whatever the boss wants, we give without asking why. we would ask why to our colleague but never to the boss because we are afraid he/she will disowned us 🙂 we dare not rock the boat and go with the flow.

i have decided to not keep my big mouth shut and air my concerns. once i realised that all effort to explain and advice were met with deft ears, i resign. i am a freeman. i will sell my car if i have too. i will sell my home if i have too. i stay in an apartment i bought 14 years ago. i am not attached to my belongings. i decided. you need to decide.

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