Posted by: mossey | June 26, 2008

For the last 15 working years of my life, I never had a secretary. Only recently I was assigned one and not too long after I found difficulties managing my own calender. Now, 80% of my schedule is managed by her. I just give her some guidelines and code words. See the list below:

1) Don’t have meeting too early (I need to drink coffee first hehe. Brain is still booting up)
2) If you see ‘WORK’ captured in my daily schedule, that means I will be in Starbucks working (LOL)
3) If you see “WORKSHOP” that means Scooby needs some TLC. Not to be confused with attending a business workshop.
4) Gaps between meeting should be at least 30min if they are between Subang and KLIA. (I need to bring Scooby on that day)
5) If people want to sell me something, she will filter first.
For the last 15 working years of my life, I never had a secretary. Only recently I was assigned one and not too long after that, I found difficulties managing my own calender. Now, 80% of my schedule is managed by her. I just give her some guidelines and code words.

If I block my calender with “WORK”, that means I will be in my fav coffee place to work.
If I block my calender with “WORKSHOP”, that means Scooby is going for maintenance. (This shall not be mistaken with having a business workshop. LOL)

If you have yet to notice, Secretary is one of the most powerful agent you can have next to the boss himself. She/he has networks beyond our normal comprehension. She/he know which boss do what and where. She/he knows who said what and when. It like underworld if you managed to infiltrate the gates of power.

Smart people will always buys cakes, fruits, stuff to the secretary cause if you managed to get the pass the gatekeeper, your life will be much easier.

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  1. Yup, this is quite true. The way to the boss is thru the secretary. Never piss the secretary.

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