Posted by: mossey | February 22, 2009

Interracial couple

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country. We are probably one of the shining example on how multi racial groups can live in peace (or relatively in peace). It is not surprising then that we see Indian-Chinese couple, Malay-Chinese couple and Malay-Indian couple in KL. Mix marriages babies are damn cute and beautiful too.

Elizabeth Wong got a Malay bf too. (OK, he is a bastard for taking pictures of her naked if she did not consent – he is an ex). But that’s beside the point.

Most of these relationships are tough because at some point in time, the couple has to decide how to move forward. If one is a Christian and the other is a Muslim, they are facing tough decisions. It is not as bad if you have Christian and Buddhist. That might still be doable.

Is there a middle ground where everybody can be happy? Not sure. Maybe that’s why Elizabeth relationship did not stay as it was. But to me, nothing ventured, nothing gained. But dluv-coach-mix-wedding-450a082608o have fun while you are at it 🙂

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