Posted by: mossey | February 24, 2009

Productivity linked to Coffee

Before I realized it, I had 3 cups of coffee from morning to early afternoon. Things are getting pretty bad in the land of caffeine addiction. I can’ stop. Really. A side effect of having too much coffee includes going to restroom frequently. There is something about caffeine that disturb your bladder. LOL

I conclude that if you drink 3 cups of coffee, your productivity might doubled as you will  be in ‘hyper’ mode. However, the positive aspect is negated by your requirement to walk to the restroom frequently. It might be a zero sum game here 🙂

This morning while enjoying my cuppa, I calculated the actual number of days my staff work in a year. Basic calculation is this:

1) 365 days in a year

2) MINUS 52weeks x 2 days for weekends 104 off days)

3) MINUS 17 public holidays (17 off days)

4) MINUS Annnual Leave (30 off days)

5) MINUS Medical Leave (21 off days)

6) TOTAL to ~45% off days and ~55% working days

We are actually paying full month salary to get half month’s work. Or another way of looking at it, the salary paid monthly is twice as expensive as we thought. Interesting findings.


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