Posted by: mossey | April 16, 2009

Flying and f*cking

A pilot lost his flying license because he had oral sex while flying (a helicopter) and the video leaked! What a way to go I say. Actually, he got his license suspended  for other reasons as well, landing in public street to pick up a celeb and drinking while flying among others. Colorful life.

I think my life is interesting too. Only I did not capture it on video or phone camera….LOL. Maybe when I am old I can write a book about my life. I am sure there are a couple of people who might be interested to know. I said a couple = 2 people ONLY 😛 No money there.

I am also thinking of getting a solo flying license. Why would I do it? (not because to join the mile high club) Well, just to prove that I can. It might be fun to fly your way to Langkawi for some R&R at your own leisure. If  I am bored by breakfast, I could fly to Penang for some nice Char Keow Teow and be back to the beach for sunset before you can say “chewbacca” LOL

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