Posted by: mossey | May 24, 2009

Weekend parents

These days single income couples just won’t be able to cut it anymore. Both parents should work to live comfortably. So, when a baby comes his or her way, couples must make a decision how to change their lifestyle. I have a colleague who is a weekend parents. Her baby will be with her relative during weekdays and on Friday night she will ‘get’ her baby back. How convenient. The baby went off again on Sunday night.

This is the price of progress. I was taken care off the traditional way. My mom took care of me from birth till I left for boarding school. So I would not know the impact this arrangement will have to a kid but I have an inkling that the impact is minimal. This is no different with people leaving the baby to the nanny or their maid.

It is very clear time is changing. I read in the new that many couples even chose not to marry but stay together. By choosing to stay together instead of being bonded in an arrangement call marriage, they felt their relationship is stronger. They also felt free at the same time. All I can say is that society has evolved according to their need to survive. We all gotta do what we need to do 🙂


  1. i turned out ok as a product of working parents.. but there was always someone around to look after us, but all locals/ relatives.. mostly my late granma la..

    fyi, here is what’s happening to the society today.. up to you if you think this is a minimal impact kan?

    • Interesting exam questions. Where were those questions when I was in school. Anyway, the parent of that kid should take some time thinking about their kid’s answer.

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