Posted by: mossey | July 9, 2009

Rules of engagement

In military, rules of engagement is a guideline on when, where and how to use force. In my definition, it’s managing expectation of various parties. During table tennis game, it’s acceptable to smash and if the ball bounced to the other guys’ face, apologize and the game continues. No hard feeling. If for no apparent reason the other guy threw the paddle to his opponent face, that’s not part of the rule of engagement. Somebody will have a black eye.

Like anything, the rules of engagement must be stated clearly for a relationship to work. In movies where people got married, the priest will always be heard saying something like “will you <name here> take this bride …. in sickness and in health, for better or worse…..” That’s one rule of engagement.

I personally believe that rules of engagement is very important among good friends to ensure one does not cross the line and understand his or her roles 🙂 Of course some rules are silent but understood like ” you shall not fornicate with your friends’ girl” or “thy shall not love thy neighour’s wife more than yours” Ok, I created some of this hehehe but the point being, it’s good to have the rule. It saves all the hassle of trial and error and tip toeing around any subject.

The TV show

The TV show

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