Posted by: mossey | December 7, 2011


simple common sense. every new management will want to do it their way. mas management just made a decision to move to KLIA after many times of go,no-go,go,no-go decision. i hope this one is final. actually it does not matter what decision was made, just make one and move on. this will give the staff some stability and consistency.

the management is also asking to remove the business class special check-in counter at klia and returned to the way it was done in the past. this is an interesting move. no comment here as they have the right to do whatever they want. but this got me thinking…

every new management will want to undo what the old management did. this will normally be a message to the organization that they mean business (like previous management when they took control). same sh*t, different management to the people, its same old same old. they have seen ‘new management’ comes and go (like me) and this is nothing new.

cannot blame the staff for having a jaded feeling of being jerked around based on whim and fancy of the new boss. i am learning this lesson. in the future if i have the chance to lead, i will make sure this issue is addressed quickly.

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